Online Aogiri Festival – special free invitation
(Festival of Phoenix-tree )
Aogiri Festival 2022
July 9 (Sat) 9:00 pm – 11:40 pm (EDT, New York)
6:00 pm – 8:40 pm (PDT, California)
Japan Time July 10 (Sun) 10:00 am – 12:40 am
The Aogiri Festival is an annual peace festival through which we spread to the world the message about preciousness of life and peace that is symbolized by the Aogiri tree (Phoenix-tree ) standing in the Hiroshima Peace Park, having survived the atomic bombing. It is also a festival where we, cherishing our life, plant the seeds of hope and peace.
The Aogiri festival this year will take place via Zoom on July 9. Online screening of the film “Aogiri” (with English subtitles) will be followed by a short video message by Yasuko Asagiri who played a role in the film and a live talk session with Don and Merry Lathrop, co-founders of the Never Again Campaign – a grassroot diplomacy program to introduce Japanese culture and convey message of peace and reality of Hiroshima/Nagasaki atomic bombing.
The festival will be hosted by Satomi Nakamura, general producer of the film “Aogiri”, and Shigetoshi Ito, producer and music director of the film, and Takako Koike, a potter and long-time supporter of the Never Again Campaign and “Aogiri” screening campaign.
The program:
1) Greeting – Ms. Takako Koike
2) Screeing of the film “Aogiri” (100 min – with English subtitles)
3) Message from Ms. Yasuko Asagiri, an actress who played the role of Haruna Shiratori
4) Free Talk with Don and Merry Lathrop (with English-Japanese translation)
Please send a registration request via Google Forms: https://forms.gle/W6CTXnDp3uFN7zzh8
We will send you a link for Zoom session for the online Aogiri festival on or after July 5.
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